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Results shown are for Tibet Lhasa date and time
Birth year / Time Papme year / Time
Calendar year 2024 2024
Astrological year
10 N
21 N
10 N
21 N
Age 1
Birth mewa / Papme Blue 3 Blue 3 O
Element Wood Wood X
Sign Dragon Dragon O
Body (lus) Blue 3 Blue 3 O
Vitality (srog) Red 9 Red 9 X
Power (dbang thang) White 6 White 6 X

O = Good OO = Better OOO = Best
OX = Neutral relation
X = Bad XX= Worse XXX = Worst

Papme calculation

Papme is a Mewa which changes with your age.
For papme calculation you first have to find your birth mewa.
The next thing you need to know is the gender of the year, but this is easy as even years have a male gender and the odd years have a female gender.
Finally you need to know your age which is the current year minus the year of birth plus 1.
Start at the center of the birth mewa and follow the rule for male or female gender.

Male gender year:
From the start position start at a count of 1 and go left ( East ). Than turn left at a count of two. Continue till a count of 9 and than return to the center at count 10. Than 11 to the left etc. untill you have found the current age.
A simplified calculation is take the current age divide by 9 and take the remainder to start. E.g. Birth 1942, current year 2002, current age is ( 2002 - 1942 ) +1 = 61. Now 60 / 9 = 6, remainder 7. BirthMewa 1942 is Green 4. So start 1 = Green 4, 2 = Black 2, 3 = Red 7, 4= Red 9, 5= Yellow 5, 6= White 6 and 7 = White 1 which is the Papme.

Female gender year:
From the start position start at a count of 1 and go left ( East ). Than turn right at a count of two.
Continue till a count of 9 and than return to the center at count 10. Than 11 to the left etc. untill you have found the current age.
A simplified calculation is take the current age divide by 9 and take the remainder to start. E.g. Birth 1943, current year 2002, current age is ( 2002 - 1943 ) +1 = 60. Now 59 / 9 = 6, remainder 6. BirthMewa 1943 is blue 3. So start 1 = Blue 3, 2 = White 1, 3 = Black 2, 4 = Red 7, 5= Red 9 6=Yellow5 which is the Papme.